Fat Dissolving
Ideal to remove stubborn pockets of fat
How does the treatment work?
Fat dissolving uses a substance to break down a fat cell permanently. This is an injectable treatment. The clinic uses Aqualyx® brand. Aqualyx liquefies the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the fat product to be eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.
This treatment is ideal for people who are at their goal weight and are struggling to get rid of stubborn fat. This is not a weight loss treatment. This is an effective treatment if you are able to maintain your weight.

The product is combined with local anaesthetic to ease any discomfort. After each treatment you can expect some swelling , redness, tenderness and skin irritation in the treatment area, which will settle after 1-2 weeks.
Results can normally be seen after 1 treatment but a series of treatments provide the best results. The normal treatment protocol is between 2-8 times to achieve the desired results. These treatments can be repeated every 5-6 weeks. Results can vary.
Treatments available
- Double Chin
- Jowls
- Upper arms
- Stomach
- Flank / Waist
- Back
- Buttocks
- Saddle bags
- Hips
- Inner thighs
- Pseudogynaecomastia in men

- Prices start from £295
How to prepare for your treatment
You will be advised to read pre and post treatment advice in order to prepare for your treatment via the link here.
Who is not suitable for this treatment
- You should be between 18-60 years old to receive this treatment
- Aqualyx should not be administered to pregnant women, or to breast-feeding mothers.
- Diabetic patients should avoid treatment with Aqualyx, as the potential complications of diabetes can complicate treatment.
- Customers who suffer from liver disease
- Customers with autoimmune conditions such as scleroderma should avoid treatment.
- Customers with severe liver disease should not be treated with Aqualyx, as the extra fat it has to process could overwork the liver.
- Any customer with a history of an allergic reaction to an ingredient of Aqualyx should avoid treatment.
- Customer with acute or chronic skin diseases in the affected area, or with infection in the skin overlying the treatment area are not suitable for treatment.
- Customers on blood thinning medication, in particularly warfarin, will almost certainly not be suitable for treatment due to the risk of severe bruising.
- Customer with severe kidney disease are not suitable for treatment.
Book your consultation now
Why not come for a chat at my private clinic so we can discuss the range of treatments that are available for you. For a small redeemable fee, receive helpful and honest advice shaped around your concerns. *T&Cs apply.